You can’t beat a bit of old fashioned romance.  You meet someone new, fall in love and then one day maybe deciding to move in together. It’s a time of something new and exciting, gifts and of course lots of love. However, once the honeymoon period has passed and the butterflies have settled sometimes the reality of cohabiting can bring you down with a bump. Which is why it’s worth considering a deed of trust to add to your “to do list” when making the big and important decision to move in with your loved one. A Declaration of Trust is put in place if you aren’t married or in a civil partnership and it sets out clearly and legally your respective financial shares in a property and its possessions.

For example, if you were to put down 80 percent of the deposit and your partner put in 20 percent then if anything unfortunate was to happen in the future and you didn’t have a Deed of Trust in place then you could stand to lose a large chunk of your higher net share. Potentially resulting in a huge loss of your initial investment. Whilst, we all hope that our relationships will last forever, the sad reality is that we just don’t know what the future holds for us. Which is why, here at Dee and Griffin we would advise a little careful planning for both of your futures.

A Deed of Trust Document is a relatively simple and inexpensive document with costs as little as £80, which given that it could potentially protect you from losing thousands of pounds in the future. The document can be bespoke and uniquely tailored to your individual requirements. Therefore, if your situation is straight forward or a little more complicated it is not a problem and can be easily achieved. The Deed of Trust, as a legal document needs to be overseen and created by a legal professional. This is where Dee and Griffin can help. Our experienced and friendly family law department would be more than happy to help you with any enquiries and ultimately produce your Deed of Trust for you.

If you would like further information please contact Dee and Griffin on 01242 240560 or email or To find out further information about Dee and Griffin and their products and services please visit